



usage guidelines

Incorporate a smooth transition animation in the toggle switch when changing states. This visual feedback enhances the user's interaction, making it more engaging and intuitive. Toggles should provide immediate visual feedback upon interaction, such as changes in color or position, to indicate the state change.

Clear State Indication

Design the toggle to clearly indicate its current state, using color, position, or labeling. Users should be able to identify whether the toggle is in the 'On' or 'Off' position at a glance.

Immediate Action

Toggles should reflect changes immediately without requiring additional input or confirmation. This instant response reinforces the perception of direct manipulation and control.

Consistent Behavior

Ensure that the behavior of the toggle is consistent throughout the application. It should always represent a binary choice and avoid confusion with other types of controls like checkboxes.

accessibility standards

Incorporate a smooth transition animation in the toggle switch when changing states. This visual feedback enhances the user's interaction, making it more engaging and intuitive. Toggles should provide immediate visual feedback upon interaction, such as changes in color or position, to indicate the state change.

content standards

Incorporate a smooth transition animation in the toggle switch when changing states. This visual feedback enhances the user's interaction, making it more engaging and intuitive. Toggles should provide immediate visual feedback upon interaction, such as changes in color or position, to indicate the state change.

interaction and animation

Incorporate a smooth transition animation in the toggle switch when changing states. This visual feedback enhances the user's interaction, making it more engaging and intuitive. Toggles should provide immediate visual feedback upon interaction, such as changes in color or position, to indicate the state change.


export const ToastNotification = () => {
  return (
      <div className="rectangle" />
      <div className="frame">
        <div className="frame-wrapper">
          <div className="div">
              icon={<FilledYesSize20 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />}
            <div className="text-wrapper">BEEPBOOP</div>
      <div className="icon-wrapper">
        <Icon className="icon-instance" icon={<FilledNoSize12 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />} />



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© 2024 — ZILKR
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© 2024 — ZILKR
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