ZILKR components

Explore ZILKR Components. Dive into our comprehensive library of design elements.

Explore ZILKR Components. Dive into our comprehensive library of design elements.

Explore ZILKR Components. Dive into our comprehensive library of design elements.

Expand and collapse content sections effortlessly with the Accordion component. Learn how to implement and customize this interactive element effectively.

Highlight important information or add visual indicators using the versatile Badge component. Discover various use cases and styling options for badges.

Guide users through hierarchical navigation paths with ease using the Breadcrumb component. Explore best practices for implementing breadcrumbs in your user interface.

Create visually appealing call-to-action buttons with different styles and sizes using our customizable Button component. Get insights into button variations for different scenarios.

Enhance visual communication by integrating icons throughout your interface with our Icon component library. Find icon usage guidelines along with available icon sets.

Design intuitive navigation menus with dropdowns or flyouts using the Menu component. Gain insights into menu structure organization and responsive behavior considerations.

Display important information or interactive content in a focused overlay window using Modals components. Discover modal implementation best practices while ensuring accessibility standards.

Organize related content within tabbed interfaces efficiently utilizing Tab components.Ensure smooth transitions between tabs across various devices.

Allow users to input larger amounts of text or multiline content using Textarea components. Learn about resizing, validation, and styling options for text areas in your interface.

Enable users to input text or data conveniently by incorporating Textfield components correctly.Learn about validation states,error handling,and input masking techniques.

Provide non-intrusive notifications or feedback to users with Toast components. Explore different toast styles and animation options for effective user interactions.

Offer users a switch-like interface element to toggle between two states using Toggle components. Understand accessibility considerations and customization options.

working with components in ZILKR

How do I find a specific component?
Can components be customized?
What makes ZILKR Design System unique compared to others?
Is ZILKR suitable for large-scale enterprise projects?
Can ZILKR integrate with existing design and development workflows?
Does ZILKR offer support for mobile and responsive design?


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