
Text Field


Text Field

Begin typing here

Begin typing here

usage guidelines

When a user clicks or tabs into a Textfield, visual changes (like a border color change or shadow) should indicate that the field is active. Include subtle animations, such as a gentle transition of placeholder text, to enhance the user experience without distracting from the input task.

Clarity and Simplicity

Design Textfields to be clear and easy to use, with a size appropriate for the expected input length. Include a label or placeholder text to indicate what type of information should be entered.

Immediate Validation Feedback

If possible, provide real-time validation feedback, such as indicating a formatting error in an email address, to enhance user experience and data accuracy.

Consistent Design and Layout

Maintain a consistent look and feel for all Textfields across the application to ensure a cohesive user experience. This includes consistent font size, border style, and padding.

accessibility standards

When a user clicks or tabs into a Textfield, visual changes (like a border color change or shadow) should indicate that the field is active. Include subtle animations, such as a gentle transition of placeholder text, to enhance the user experience without distracting from the input task.

content standards

When a user clicks or tabs into a Textfield, visual changes (like a border color change or shadow) should indicate that the field is active. Include subtle animations, such as a gentle transition of placeholder text, to enhance the user experience without distracting from the input task.

interaction and animation

When a user clicks or tabs into a Textfield, visual changes (like a border color change or shadow) should indicate that the field is active. Include subtle animations, such as a gentle transition of placeholder text, to enhance the user experience without distracting from the input task.


export const ToastNotification = () => {
  return (
      <div className="rectangle" />
      <div className="frame">
        <div className="frame-wrapper">
          <div className="div">
              icon={<FilledYesSize20 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />}
            <div className="text-wrapper">BEEPBOOP</div>
      <div className="icon-wrapper">
        <Icon className="icon-instance" icon={<FilledNoSize12 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />} />



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© 2024 — ZILKR
All rights reserved


© 2024 — ZILKR
All rights reserved