ZILKR foundations

Building Blocks of ZILKR. Understand the core principles that underpin our design system.

Building Blocks of ZILKR. Understand the core principles that underpin our design system.

Building Blocks of ZILKR. Understand the core principles that underpin our design system.

Standards for keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and color contrast ratios.

Accessible contrast ratios that evoke emotions and convey meaning in the user interface.

Appropriate tone and language conventions for effective communication.

Guidance on selecting sizes based on context or platform requirements.

Establish consistent layouts using grid systems or spacing guidelines for optimal usability across devices.

Discover font families, sizes, and line heights for improved readability and visual hierarchy.

getting started with foundations

What foundational principles does ZILKR adhere to?
How often are the foundational guidelines of ZILKR updated?
Does ZILKR provide foundational support for animation and interaction design?
Are there examples of how to implement ZILKR foundations in real projects?
How does ZILKR ensure that its foundations are future-proof?


© 2024 — ZILKR
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© 2024 — ZILKR
All rights reserved


© 2024 — ZILKR
All rights reserved