
Text Area


Text Area

Begin typing here

Begin typing here

usage guidelines

Interactions with a textarea are typically straightforward, focusing on the functionality of input. Subtle enhancements like a border color change on focus or a gentle animation when resizing can improve the user experience. Any additional interactions should be intuitive and should not disrupt the primary function of text input.

Optimize for Readability and Input

Design the Textarea with ample space for multi-line input, using a legible font size and style. Ensure the contrast between text and background aids readability.

Label Clearly and Provide Guidance

Accompany the Textarea with a clear label and placeholder text that indicates the expected input, aiding users in providing relevant information.

Accessibility and Interaction

Ensure Textareas are accessible with keyboard navigation and screen readers, and include interactive features like resizable options for user convenience.

accessibility standards

Interactions with a textarea are typically straightforward, focusing on the functionality of input. Subtle enhancements like a border color change on focus or a gentle animation when resizing can improve the user experience. Any additional interactions should be intuitive and should not disrupt the primary function of text input.

content standards

Interactions with a textarea are typically straightforward, focusing on the functionality of input. Subtle enhancements like a border color change on focus or a gentle animation when resizing can improve the user experience. Any additional interactions should be intuitive and should not disrupt the primary function of text input.

interaction and animation

Interactions with a textarea are typically straightforward, focusing on the functionality of input. Subtle enhancements like a border color change on focus or a gentle animation when resizing can improve the user experience. Any additional interactions should be intuitive and should not disrupt the primary function of text input.


export const ToastNotification = () => {
  return (
      <div className="rectangle" />
      <div className="frame">
        <div className="frame-wrapper">
          <div className="div">
              icon={<FilledYesSize20 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />}
            <div className="text-wrapper">BEEPBOOP</div>
      <div className="icon-wrapper">
        <Icon className="icon-instance" icon={<FilledNoSize12 className="attributes-instance" color="#FF5900" />} />



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© 2024 — ZILKR
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© 2024 — ZILKR
All rights reserved